It has been an incredibly long time since I've posted anything on any type of online medium, save twitter. I don't have a reason for my hiatus; it just happened. Partly, I think I was overcome with fear of realizing I'm a horrible writer. Partly, I began to believe I am a horrible writer. Such a shame, really. My writing slowed to a dreary grind and I produced very little of substance. There have been a few short stories and a lot of pithy journal entries. But after a few years of producing highly charged emotional content, my more subtle and peaceful mindful meanderings seemed uninteresting. Non-essential.
Okay, and honestly part of the change came from graduating from college and no longer being required to search my soul for interesting creative non-fiction content. But what I've been realizing recently is that the transition I experienced/am experiencing is totally okay. I'm coming into a new way of being and a new way of motivating myself. I don't have the same kinds of guidelines and deadlines and ethical lines that I used to, but I'm finding that I'm (again, slowly) acclimating to this new way of experiencing and living.
But, since so much time has passed since my last post, here are a few updates:
- I'm married. That happened about 2 months ago. It's pretty decent.
- I'm a barista at Starbucks. And sleeping in now means getting to sleep until 6:30 a.m.
- I just (today) started a part-time ministry assistant job at First Friends Church.
- I haven't actually been to church since before the wedding.
- I live in a house, and it has furniture in it, and I think it's lovely.
- I've read a lot of good books (Lord of the Rings trilogy, several of the Wicked series books, etc.).
Anyways, I'm a lover of lists and goals, and as I was reading a friend's blog today, I thought, "Well, Sarah, it's time to begin again. The only way to get back into the swing of writing is to do it." And so I decided to begin again, or to continue. However you want to see it. I'm aiming (and stating my aim in writing so as to try and create some accountability) to write about once a week.
Here's to hope. Here's to growth.